7AT1STROKE – that’s seven questions a day for comic artists and illustrators. This time: Sarai Parda.

Sai was born in 1993 in Barcelona and lives right now in Leipzig.

Why did you start drawing?

I think I never stopped drawing, maybe a year when I got bored with my own style or (perhaps) didn’t really know what to do with it.

How would you describe your style?

I always aimed for a vibrant, playful style with a concept behind each image. many times it is about healing some emotions or sharpening some thoughts while playing with the media. However, the last time I asked some friends how they viewed my work, they said it was like“eating marshmallows”! So I do not know anymore –

Which topics are particularly close to your heart?

I am really curious about non-binairy characters and animalism. That’s why I try to generate more special characters, I guess.

How do you find inspiration?

Seing sketchbooks and journals from artists I admire, no doubt! I love to see where all their ideas come from – it reassures me to see how his ideas, at first, are as crude as mine.

What can comics, cartoons and illustrations accomplish that other media can‘t?

I think it’s all a combination of the vignettes and the drawing style, as well as the script can be incorporated in a unique and organic way. Rarely can we see the entire medium combined in such a unique way. It’s a gut thing.

Your most beautiful/worst experience as a comic artist/illustrator?

every time I show my sketchbook to someone or draw them on the spot, after a few minutes. each person reacts in a way that I can’t see coming.

Can you complete the sentence: „It matters to me that…“ for us?

Instagram: @saraiparda
Behance: @saraiparda

Dave Grohl
SENSO Rissue Mar_by_Sarai Parda 1

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