SEVEN AT ONE STROKE – that’s seven questions a day for comic artists and illustrators. This time: Rikke Villadsen.

Rikke Villadsen wurde 1976 geboren und lebt und arbeitet in Kopenhagen.

Why did you start drawing?

I just never stopped. It felt natural.

How would you describe your style?

I have no style.

Which topics are particularly close to your heart?

Gender constructions in storytelling, feminism, sex.

How do you find inspiration?

Movies, fine art, folk art.

What can comics, cartoons and illustrations accomplish that other media can’t?

Comic art can tear down barriers, it’s a media that doesn’t give a shit and it can expand the hybrid of pictures and words.

Your most beautiful/worst experience as a comic artist/illustrator?

The making and the release of my first graphic novel.

Can you complete the sentence „It matters to me that…” for us?

It matters to me that comic art will be accepted and appreciated by the contemporary art scene and the literary institutions.

I would like to advertise this project of mine:

Check my „Tuberculosis 2020“ on instagram, a quarantine scetchbook and comic, the book is selfpublished and will release next thursday. Purchase here.

Website: rikkevilladsen.bigcartel.com
Instagram:  @rikkevild


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